Conveyor belt converying machine
  • Conveyor belt converying machine
  • Conveyor belt converying machine
  • Conveyor belt converying machine
  • Conveyor belt converying machine
  • Conveyor belt converying machine
  • Conveyor belt converying machine
  • Conveyor belt converying machine

Conveyor belt converying machine

Conveyor belt converying machine

Note:All robots request customilized making according to actually production conditions.
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Conveyor belt converying machine 


  1. Can adjust the height as die casting machine height.
  2. Can adjust the speed as die casting machine.
  3. Can follow customer needs galvanized or stainless materal.
  4. Can follow customer need add cooling fans.
  5. The gating,runners,and biscuits won't be oily,preventing oil pollution whenrecycleingT
  6. Can follow customer need add transducer control speed.